The month of August has triple the celebrations in BSE as we celebrate our 44th Anniversary on 6 August 2019, National Day on 9 August 2019 and Hari Raya Haji on 11 August 2019.
Special Occasion Number 1: BSE 44th Anniversary on 6 Aug 2019
We would like to take this opportunity to offer a BIG THANK YOU to all for your strong support in our business relationship, allowing us to achieve Total Fire Safety for All, with YOU throughout the years and many more to come.
BSE is a business family that has been around since 6 August 1975, having established our presence in many buildings and countless partnerships in Singapore. Being a veteran in this industry, we have been serving our customers and partners by going beyond ensuring that each site meets regulatory compliance—we ensure an environment of Total Fire Safety for All.
Special Occasion Number 2: National Day SG 2019 on 9 August 2019
At the same time, 9 August 2019 is our National Day and we would like to wish Singapore a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
This year, the theme ‘Our Singapore’ allows us to tell our Singapore story from past to present. The emphasis is on the collective ownership of Singapore, where we are living the dreams of our pioneers and we are now the pioneers of our future.
Let us take this time to reflect upon how we, the present, will shape our future together, not only in the area of Total Fire Safety for All, but also in creating a better environment for all to live in Singapore.
Special Occasion Number 3: Hari Raya Haji on 11 August 2019
BSE wishes all our Muslim friends SELAMAT HARI RAYA HAJI. To those who are celebrating this festival and those simply enjoying the long weekend break with your loved ones, rest easy as BSE continues to safeguard your fire safety systems.