The Fire Water Tank System functions with the Fire Pump System to as an alternative source of water supply to the various Fire Protection Systems, mainly for the different Wet Systems - such as Automatic Fire Sprinkler System, Drenchers, Water Spray, Rising Main (Wet Riser System), Fire Hydrant System, Fire Hose reel System and Water or Form System.

Located near the Fire Pump Room, either at the basement level, 1st Level or Rooftop, the area is only accessible for Authorized Personnel such as the Building Management, Approved Contractors and the Regulatory Authorities.
The following regulations thus require premises to have an operationally-ready and well maintained Fire Water Tank System:
Code of Practice for Fire Safety Precautions in Buildings
Code of Practice for Sprinkler System (SS CP 52)
Code of Practice for Fire Hydrant, Rising Main and Hose reel System (SS 575: 2012)
Who is responsible for the Fire Water Tank System?
Building Owners and Council Members are responsible by regulation
Fire Protection Specialists, like BSE, MCST Managing agencies, and/ or technicians are engaged to assist Building Owners and Council Members
Basic features of the Fire Water Tank System
Water in the Fire Water Tank System
Tank structure - including its support structure, catwalks and ladders
Piping and fitting - including expansion joints, valves (such as control valves, drain-off valves, check valves, and ball float valves), vortex inhibitor
Water level alarm, level indicators
What kind of maintenance will the Fire Water Tank System need and how often?
According to regulations, the recommended frequency of inspection, testing and maintenance of the Fire Water Tank System in buildings is MONTHLY/ QUARTERLY. However, the regulatory testing and maintenance of the Fire Water Tank System are conducted ANNUALLY, in conjunction with the Fire Pump System and its related Fire Protection equipment
For industrial buildings with higher risk of fire incidents, more frequent testing and maintenance may be conducted to ensure Total Fire Safety in the premises.
Inspection procedure
Inspection checklist for the Fire Water Tank System:
On a recommended MONTHLY basis:
Inspection of the tank valves
Inspection of the water supply level
On a recommended QUARTERLY basis:
Inspection of the tank exterior
Inspection of the tank’s support structure, catwalks and ladders
Inspection of the tank’s expansion joints, water level alarm, level indicators, drain-off valves, check valves, pipe and fittings, and ball float valves.
Testing procedure
The Fire Water Tank System is tested by manually testing the drain-off valves by simulating a fire scenario to determine the performance against the refilling time required by regulations.
Next, defects are identified for recommendation and rectified in a timely manner.
Tips on having an optimum Fire Water Tank System:
Ensure water tank has water supply to the level indicator to ensure ADEQUATE supply for the fire protection system's usage in the event of fire
Encouraged to have a water level indicator alarm system linked to ALERT the relevant parties if there is a high or low level in the tank. This is especially so if there is any faulty mechanism that results in the overflow of water supply from the tank that may lead to flooding of the premises
Ensure that all valves are in OPEN position to ensure flow of water supply from the PUB chamber to the tank and from the tank to the fire pump systems
Ensure that the BALL FLOAT VALVE is functioning to prevent the scenario of either no water supply or overflow of water supply from the tank